MIRKO PAMBIANCO – Professional


After earning his Master’s Degree in Law in 2003 at Pisa University, he gained the professional license to serve in the Bar Association of Milan, where he operates, cooperating with Studio PCM since its foundation.
He primarily operates in the area of civil law, assisting companies and privates with contracts, inheritance, real estate and property, and contentiousness in commercial law.
Over years of experience, he focused particularly in fiscal aspects of the civil and commercial subjects, acquiring a specific post-graduate education from School of specialization in tax law U.N.C.A.T., and keeping up with the study of this discipline, characterized, more than others, by lack of stability and coherency.
He practices in ordinary and tributary organs of jurisdiction up to second level.
He also has written proficiency in English and German.

Areas of practice

Inheritance law
Commercial law
Landlord-tenant law
Real estate and property law
Tax law

Bar Association

Member of the Milan Bar


Pisa University
School of specialization in tax law U.N.C.A.T.


Italian, French

Avv. Mirko Pambianco – P.I. 07315660964